Remote Email with Outlook Web Access | Using Outlook Features
Using Outlook Features
Viewing Outlook Folders
Outlook Web Access displays a list of icons on the left side of the screen. Click the icons in the Navigation pane to access your Outlook folders such as your Inbox. To view other folders, click Folders at the top of this pane.
Receiving Email
Email you receive after you've logged into OWA will not automatically appear in your Inbox. To display new email, click the Check for New Messages button on the toolbar as shown below.
Using the Navigation Pane
Outlook Web Access displays a Navigation pane on the left side of the screen. Click the icons in the Navigation pane to access your Outlook folders, such as your Inbox.

Viewing Email
Click Options in the Navigation pane to change the number of items that are displayed on one page. To view email that aren’t displayed, use the following buttons on the toolbar to move between the pages of messages.
First Page
Next Page
Previous Page  
Last Page
Spell Checking
OWA 2007 permits you to spell check individual messages or to have all messages checked for spelling prior to sending. To turn on automatic spell checking, use the following steps:
Step 1: In the Toolbar, click Options.
Step 2: Click Spelling option in the Navigation pane.
Step 3: Select the Always check spelling before sending check box.
Step 4: Make any other selections as desired.
Step 5: Click Save at the top of the window.
Outlook Web Access only allows you to attach documents that have been saved locally (for example, to your C: drive).
OWA provides no access to iManage WorkSite documents. If you need to send WorkSite documents as attachments, export the documents to drive C: of your laptop prior to leaving the office or use Outlook and FileSite in Citrix.
Step 1: Create a new email message.
Step 2: Click the Attachments button under the Subject field. The Attachments dialog box displays.
Step 3: In the Attachments dialog box, click the Browse button.
Step 4: In the Choose File window, navigate to the drive on which your document has been saved (for example, the C: drive).
Step 5: Find the document you wish to attach and double-click it. The file path of the document then displays in the Choose a File to Attach field.
Step 6: Click Attach to add it to the Current file attachments section.
Step 7: Repeat steps 3-6 for any other documents you wish to attach and then click Close.
Step 8: Send the email when finished with attachments. 
Turning on your Out of Office Assistant
How the Out of Office Assistant Works: You may set up an automatic reply message in OWA. People who send mail to your account while the message is activated will receive an email reply with your custom message. The message is sent only once to each email address that sends mail to your account; subsequent mails from the same person do not trigger your automatic response.
To turn on your Out of Office Assistant:
Step 1: In the Toolbar, click Options.
Step 2: Select the Send Out of Office auto-replies radio button.
Step 3: Type the text for your message in the Send an auto-reply once to each sender inside my organization with the following message: area.
You may send a different auto-reply message for external senders by enabling the Send Out of Office auto-replies to External Senders option.
Step 4: Click Save at the top to turn on auto-replies.
Logging Off
To exit OWA, click Log Off in the top-right corner of the window. 
If you access Outlook Web Access from a public computer, please be sure to close all Internet Explorer windows to ensure the greatest security.